
The team at Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa is committed to helping you identify your “Why” to take active control of your health and learn to live more fully as the best version of your beautiful you.

Serendipity Aesthetic Services


brushing on chemical peel

Chemical Peels

Girl getting dermal filler at Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa in Katy TX

Dermal Fillers


NeoClear Laser

EXION Fractional RF

Acne laser procedure

NeoClear Laser

VIP Facial treatment procedure

Serendipity VIP Facial

Aesthetics Frequently Asked Questions

Will my face look overdone or unnatural?2024-02-19T16:23:28-06:00

The experts at Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa have years of experience performing thousands of BOTOX injections. You can trust that we will deliver subtle, natural results from a highly trained and experienced medical expert in facial anatomy. No one should be able to tell you’ve had any “work” done.

How much time does it take to receive a Botox injection?2024-02-19T16:22:26-06:00

The Botox injection process is quick. Once your consultation has completed and we’ve devised a “game plan” for how to treat your wrinkles, the injection process takes only about 10 minutes.

How long do the results last?2024-02-19T16:21:46-06:00

The results of Botox generally last up to 4 months depending on the patient’s skin type and the depth & severity of his or her lines.

When will I see results for Botox in Katy?2024-02-19T16:22:54-06:00

You may begin to notice results within 24 to 48 hours after your injections.

Am I a good candidate for a Serendipity VIP Facial treatment?2024-02-19T16:17:53-06:00

Yes! One of the best things about Serendipity VIP Facials is that it is safe and effective for all skin types.

What makes a Serendipity VIP Facial different from other facials?2024-02-19T16:17:17-06:00

A Serendipity VIP Facial is much easier and gentler on the skin when compared to average facials. It rejuvenates and cleans your skin without any discomfort during or after your treatment.

How often should I receive a Serendipity VIP Facial treatment?2024-02-19T16:16:37-06:00

Every client is different when it comes to how often they should receive a Serendipity VIP Facial treatment depending on their lifestyle and skin type. However, the majority of our clients find the best results when they visit us for a Serendipity VIP Facial about once monthly. This may change over time depending on your skin. We will always advise you on what is in the best interest of your unique skin.

Is a Serendipity VIP Facial treatment painful?2024-02-19T16:15:29-06:00

Not at all! Serendipity VIP Facials are completely pain-free and in fact, many of our visitors find that the Serendipity VIP Facial is quite a relaxing experience.

How many BOTOX injections should I get?2024-02-19T16:24:02-06:00

The number of injections you get will depend on the severity of your lines and the number of lines you have. Generally for crow’s feet, we suggest 3 injections into the areas of the muscle that frame the side of each eye. For frown lines, you may receive up to 5 injections into the muscles between your brows and in your forehead. For forehead lines specifically, you may also receive up to 5 injections into the muscle.

Do men get BOTOX treatments?2024-02-19T16:24:34-06:00

Absolutely! BOTOX for men is common at our practice. Crow’s feet, forehead lines, frown lines are not exclusively an area of concern for women. Men get these wrinkles too over time and may wish to look younger and appear more refreshed.

How long does it take to recover from a chemical peel?2024-02-19T16:28:35-06:00

Chemical peel recovery time varies based on the strength of peel you receive. Your return to normal activity can range from a day to a week with a light peel. A medium or deep chemical peel can require a week or two.

Are chemical peels painful?2024-02-19T16:29:03-06:00

There may be some discomfort depending on the strength of peel you receive. Before your chemical peel in Katy, we will be sure to review everything you should expect during and after treatment and help you manage any symptoms as they arise.

Can you see results after one chemical peel?2024-02-19T16:29:29-06:00

Yes, regardless of which chemical peel we administer, results will be noticeable once your skin recovers, which can take as short as a few hours for a lighter peel, or a few days for a deeper peel!

How often should I get a chemical peel?2024-02-19T16:29:53-06:00

We recommend light chemicals for maintenance every 3 to 6 weeks. Mediums peels can be applied every 3 to 6 months. Deep chemical peels should only be administered once or twice a year. Our team can help you decide the best long-term care plan for your unique skin type and aesthetic goals.

How much does a chemical peel cost?2024-02-19T16:30:18-06:00

The cost of a chemical peel will vary based on the specific application we use. We will discuss care costs during your initial consultation after we have determined your treatment plan.

Does Microneedling hurt?2024-02-19T16:32:41-06:00

Typically, patients report slight discomfort during a Microneedling treatment. Many patients do not require topical numbing cream, but your comfort is our main priority at Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa, so pain management options are always available.

When will I see results?2024-02-19T16:33:06-06:00

Typically, you should see results following the first or second treatment. We recommend at least three treatment sessions spaced out over the course of a few weeks.

How often should I get Microneedling done with the CytoPen?2024-02-19T16:33:32-06:00

We recommend getting a Microneedling treatment done every 4 to 6 weeks for optimal results!

What is Kybella and how does it work?2024-02-19T16:41:21-06:00

Kybella utilizes an active ingredient that is naturally produced by the body. This substance breaks down fat and removes it from the body naturally.

Do men get Kybella?2024-02-19T16:41:46-06:00

We routinely see male patients for Kybella in Katy to address their various aesthetic concerns. Injectables can be a very quick, effective, and noninvasive way to treat what’s bothering you! If you’re interested in learning more about what treatments may be best for you, feel free to use our Virtual Consultation Tool for instant, personalized feedback.

Can Kybella be used in any other areas?

Currently, Kybella is only FDA approved to be used to reduce fat under the chin, commonly called a double chin.

How long will the fat be gone after Kybella injections?2024-02-19T16:42:40-06:00

Once Kybella treats and destroys the fat cells beneath the chin, this is permanent. Future changes in weight, lifestyle, or hormones may influence the overall increase in fullness in the area as a reflection of total body changes. However, Kybella is designed to totally destroy fat cells in the first place, so they cannot return.

How many Kybella treatments will I need?

Depending on the amount of fat underneath your chin, along with your overall aesthetic goals, the number of treatments may vary. We will discuss this during your initial consultation at Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa. Most of our patients need between two and four Kybella treatments to reach their final goal.

How long will it take to see my final results from Kybella?2024-02-19T16:44:58-06:00

Kybella results are not instant. It takes between three to six months for the injection to destroy the fat cells, and for those fat cells to be naturally eliminated by the body.

What happens during a Kybella treatment?2024-02-19T16:45:23-06:00

Kybella is a specific injection that we strategically place over the area of the chin to target submental fat. Kybella injections only require a very tiny needle, and the entire treatment usually only takes about 10 to 20 minutes.

Does Kybella hurt?2024-02-19T16:45:50-06:00

At Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa, we are not only dedicated to helping you achieve your goals; we want you to be comfortable throughout the process! Luckily, most of our patients report very little discomfort from Kybella injections in Katy. There can be some fullness and tightness for a couple of days following the procedure. Our team will provide you with post-treatment instructions for how to properly care for your skin in the days and weeks that follow to help you feel comfortable and satisfied with your treatment.

Is Kybella the only nonsurgical procedure you offer for double chins?2024-02-19T16:46:17-06:00

Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa offers other alternatives to Kybella in Indianapolis should a patient decide they do not want Kybella injections. Certain patients also may not be a candidate. For these patients and for your overall convenience, we also offer CoolSculpting for nonsurgical fat reduction of a double chin.

What kind of laser is NeoClear?2024-02-19T17:42:53-06:00

NeoClear laser uses 650 Microsecond Technology®, making it safe and effective for all ages and skin types, including tanned skin.

Am I a candidate?2024-02-19T17:43:18-06:00

The best way to find out if you’re a candidate for NeoClear is with an in-person consultation with one of our laser specialists. We’ll analyze your skin, discuss your concerns, and determine if this is the best treatment for your needs.

When will I see results?2024-02-19T17:43:43-06:00

Results from NeoClear are progressive, meaning they get better as time goes on. You’ll notice less oil production, smaller pore size, and improvement in blemishes. Everyone’s skin is different, so how quickly they see results varies. For some, they see an immediate difference after just one or two treatment sessions, while others may need a full course of treatments to see results.

How much do fillers cost in Katy?2024-03-26T20:16:09-05:00

The cost of filler in Katy depends on the brand, placement, and amount of filler you need to achieve your goals. Filler is typically priced per syringe.

Which brand of filler should I get?2024-03-26T20:17:15-05:00

It can be confusing to know which brand of filler is best for your needs, as each one works a little bit differently from the others. Luckily, you don’t have to be an expert in filler brands! Our team will make recommendations based on your individual needs, aesthetic goals, and even budget to ensure you are matched with the right brand of filler.

How much filler do I need?2024-03-26T20:17:40-05:00

Every person may need a different amount of filler depending on the placement and their short-term and long-term aesthetic goals. During your consultation we will help you determine the number of syringes of filler that you need to accomplish those goals!

What’s the difference between Botox and filler?2024-03-26T20:18:06-05:00

One of the most common questions we receive at Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa is the difference between Botox and filler. Botox is a brand of “neuromodulator,” which relaxes the underlying muscles that cause wrinkles to form. Conversely, filler helps lift and “fill” areas that have lost volume or show wrinkles. Most of the time, it is a combination of both of these that truly produce the most radiant results.

Does medical grade work better than over-the-counter?2024-03-27T07:06:34-05:00

Medical grade skin care like Serendipity Rx contains a higher concentration of the ingredients that actually work to heal your skin. Because a consultation is required, our providers are able to customize treatment for your specific skin type and need’s, which yields higher results than over-the-counter.

What kind of products does this line offer?2024-03-27T07:06:59-05:00

Serendipity Rx and other medical grade skincare products offer tons of great options for your skin, including moisturizers, serums, cleansers, sunscreen, and more! Each product is dermatologist-formulated with medical-strength active ingredients, concentrated botanicals, marine extracts, and powerfully engineered antioxidants to achieve stunning results!

Where can I get Serendipity Rx medical grade skin care?2024-03-27T07:07:31-05:00

You can find a large variety of Serendipity Rx and other lines at Serendipity Lifestyle & Wellness Spa in Katy! Come in today to take some home with you.

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